Теніс — це вид спорту, якому підкорені всі віки. Щодня він завойовує все більше прихильників, залучаючи любителів найпрестижнішого активного відпочинку. Це чудово розуміють засновники «Elite Tennis Club». Наш клуб вважається однією з найкращих тенісних баз України та пропонує найкращі відкриті та криті тенісні корти, які відповідають усім вимогам Міжнародної федерації теніса (ITF). Сред них 6 кортів із спеціальним покриттям «Red Clay» та турнірний корт із трибунами, розрахованими майже на 600 глядачів. Грунтове покриття кортів було створено за технологією «Roland Garros».

відкритих ґрунтових кортів
критих корта
досвідчених тренерів

Every year Elite Tennis Club holds a big number of local, regional and national tournaments, as well as club cups and prestigious international competitions. Our club history saw such great tournaments as Federation Cup “Fed Cup” (2004) between female national teams of Ukraine and Germany, “Elite Cup Open Seniors” (2012) among amateurs of different age categories. Since 2018 Elite Tennis Club has revived the tradition of holding big international competitions under the aegis of the International Tennis Federation such as World Tennis Tour tournaments among Juniors, Women and Men with the prize fund more than 10 000$.

Training programs of Elite Tennis Club tennis school are composed with regard to the individual peculiarities of children development in each age category, as well as the tennis skills. Each program includes a particular set of tennis trainings (both in a group and individual ones) and trainings for overall physical condition and for specific tennis conditioning.

Summer, sun, sea and tennis! We've combined all that our kids adore and created Kids Profi - the tennis summer camp for children of the age from 6 to 10. This is the camp where future PRO-players train, relax and have fun.
Our daily tennis intensive program includes 4 hours of tennis training on the court and on the beach, specific tennis conditioning, beach games, water activities, interesting English classes, intellectual games for fun and intellectual development, mini-golf, and healthy well-balanced meals during the day in the camp.


Kids Profi day camp for younger tennis players offers:

  • Camp schedule: Monday - Friday 8:00 - 18:00; healthy meals, entertainment and leisure-time
  • Daily sporting program includes 4 hours of tennis trainings (in the morning and in the afternoon), specific tennis conditioning, beach games and water activities
  • Daily educational program includes English classes and intellectual games
  • Professional coaching team, bringing-up sporting discipline and improving the level of tennis skills

If you have any questions concerning summer tennis camp in the current season, please send a message to the number +38 063 4293493 Viber, WhatsApp (Nataly).

Elite Tennis Club offers the best conditions for organizing the training camps for professional players or tennis players of any level. We are ready to provide the full package of sporting and recreational services under the professional guidance of our coaching team. We also offer the possibility to rent the courts and use club services for your independent training process.

In our club we have the best coaching team which includes true professionals
who are certified to teach and instruct both children and adults.

Bakunin Andrey

Master of Sports
Well-experienced in WTA Tour
Leading Coach in Ukraine
Senior Club Coach

Pume Elena

Candidate Master of Sports
Tennis Coach
Group and Personal Coach

Terletskiy Andrey

Tennis Coach
Group and Personal Coach

Taranenko Gennadiy

Tennis Coach
Group and Personal Coach

Bakunin Maksim

Master of Sports
Tennis Coach
Personal Coach

Gusenko Anastasia

Tennis Coach
Group and Personal Coach

Pume Denys

Master of Sports
Tennis Coach
Personal Coach

Oschipok Dmitriy

Tennis Coach
Personal Coach

Anikanov Ivan

Master of Sports
Europien Champion
ATP Tour Professional Player
Tennis Coach
Personal Coach, Sparring

Боцанюк Алёна Валерьевна

Tennis Coach
Group and Personal Coach

The tennis school in Elite Tennis Club is one of the most progressive tennis bases all over Ukraine. Our philosophy is based on creating the perfect conditions for training process of both the professional players and groups of various tennis skills level.

We offer a system of tennis programs which reveal a potential of each player. The perfect location of our tennis club gives a good opportunity to organize training camps and summer camps for kids rich in outdoor activities.

Each person interested in playing tennis irrespective of age or sporting skills can join our friendly Elite Tennis Club family!


We wait for you!


and we will be happy to reply any your question

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Parkovaya 17, Chernomorsk, Ukraine




+38 063 934 4772
+38 050 390 7073 (Viber)

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